by Barbara Florio Graham
$25. postpaid to Canada; $35 to the U.S.
Called the best p.r. primer we've ever seen by the Editor
of Writing for Money,
and not only informative but practically indispensable by
Canadian Fund Raiser,
excerpted in Canadian Living, P.R. World, Canadian
Writer's Guide,
and many Canadian and U.S. newsletters.
First published in 1988, won an IABC Award in 1990,
revised in 2003 with additional
chapters on
e-mail, websites and using the Internet.
This manual assumes that you know little or nothing about publicity,
and although it cannot replace a course or workshop where your
specific questions can be answered, it is an attempt to provide
guidelines on the most important aspects of this complex field.
Even if you think you know quite a bit about marketing yourself, your
product, service or organization, you will learn tips gleaned from
many years in the field, both as a public relations professional and
as a member of the media.
Please skim the entire book, in sequence, even if you think you know
the basics. Some of the terms referred to in later sections are
explained at the beginning of the book, and it is vital that you not
skip the first two sections. If you haven't defined your
audience and yourself, none of your efforts will succeed!
I have deliberately repeated some information that pertains to
different sections, so that each set of guidelines is complete
without reference to other sections.
Barbara Florio Graham is a professional writer, teacher and
communications consultant based in Ottawa. Author of Five
Fast Steps to Better Writing, which is on the curriculum at
several colleges and universities, she is also the author of
Musings/Mewsings, and has been published in twenty anthologies
and in six countries.
She was the Entertainment Editor of What's On in Ottawa for several
years, a freelance broadcaster for the CBC, and a regular contributor
to many Canadian and U.S. newspapers and magazines.
A founding member of the Board of Directors of The Macdonald Club,
Barbara has also served on such Boards as The Canadian Society for
the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, The Canadian Square &
Round Dance Society, and the Cultural Human Resources Council.
She has also served as Public Relations Consultant for such
organizations as SearchLine and the Ottawa YM-YWCA and handled media
training for the Canadian Association of University Teachers. Among
her clients for publicity and editorial consulting are Medica
Publishing, Versailles Group Ltd. (Boston), Law Enforcement Supply
Company (Florida), and "Disappearing Nightly" with magician
Chris Pilsworth.
Named Communicator of the Year by the Ottawa chapter of the
International Association of Business Communicators in 1990, in part
because of her production of the first edition of this book, Barbara
also won an Outstanding Service Award from the Periodical Writers
Association of Canada as well as being named professional writer of
the year by the Ottawa Branch of the Canadian Authors' Association.
non-profit organizations, small businesses, individual artists and entrepreneurs
best p.r. primer we've ever seen
Writing for Money)
only informative but practically indispensable (Canadian
Fund Raiser)
gold mine of gems, tips, and ideas (William
Bezanson: http://web.mac.com/w.bezanson)
"Five Fast Steps
to Low-Cost Publicity" is the cats' meow! I
volunteer with a non profit rescue. They read this book and now
you can find me all over the web, and in several magazines. If
you're trying to get your name out there, but don't have much money,
you need to buy this
book. I give it 2 paws up.
(Wuffy the
Cat-rescuing Dog www.ShelterPetsInk.com)
excerpted in
Canadian Living, P.R.
World, Canadian Writer's Guide, Sources HotLink Newsletter
I. Identifying Your Audience
WHO are they?
WHERE are they?
WHAT do they read?
WHICH broadcast media do they listen to?
HOW can you grab their attention?
WHY might they be interested in what you have to offer?
II. Defining Yourself
Your Unique Selling Position
Your Identifying Statement
III. Understanding the Media
What's the Difference?
What Receives Media Attention
Positive Media Attention
Weekly & Monthly Newspapers
Approaching the Fringe Media
Is It News?
Selecting Media Contacts
When to Contact the Media
Media Horror Stories
IV. Being Professional
General Guidelines for Print Materials
Media Releases
Sample Media Release
Public Service Announcements (PSA's)
Sample PSA
Writing for Radio
Handling Print Interviews
Telephone Interviews
Television Interviews
Talk Shows
Both Radio and TV
Public Meetings
Television Noticeboard Spots
Doing Your Own Make-up for TV
Tricks of the Trade
Confrontational Interviews
V. Developing Further Initiatives
Logos, Posters, Flyers
Developing a Brochure
Brochure Design
Newsletter Layout
Layout Tips
Keeping Costs Down
Advertising Basics
Direct Mail
Letters to the Editor
Sample Letters to the Editor
Placing a Feature Article
Preparation for Speeches from a Platform
Notecards for Speeches & Media Interviews
Checklist for Speeches & Interviews
Using Visual Aids
The Press Conference
Structure of a Media Conference
Why Publicity Sometimes Fails
The Basics: Show, Tell, Give
Typesetting Terms
Internal Communication
Using Photos for Public Relations
Eliminating Bias from P.R. Writing
Copyright & Trademark
Setting Up a Media Room
Crisis Management
Lobbying Provincial & Federal Governments
Participating in a Telethon
Clothing Selection for Public Appearances
Negotiating Strategies
Community Relations
Do You Need a Website?
A Note About E-mail
NOTE: All materials in this handbook are copyrighted and may
not be duplicated or used for
teaching purposes. © 1988,
Barbara Florio Graham; Second Edition, 2003
TO ORDER: This 94-page spiral-bound letter-size handbook is available by mail for $25. postpaid to Canada, $35 to the U.S. CONTACT US to order.
MENTORING in marketing, media techniques, publicity strategies.
BONUS: The sold-out workshop, How to Promote Your Book or Your Business, is now available for download. For $20, anyone who purchases Five Fast Steps to Low-Cost Publicity will receive 30 pages of notes from the presentation. This package includes many "bonus" materials. Click HERE for details.
© 2012 Barbara Florio Graham
All Rights Reserved