When Denny Hatch and I were at Columbia University at the same time, I thought he had one of the quickest minds I'd ever encountered. His witty repartee was legendary among our circle of friends, and he had an amazing memory for people he'd met and books he's read.
      He went on to become the most respected authority on direct mail in the U.S. Who's Mailing What is the world's largest archive of winning direct mail, with over 250,000 actual pieces.
      From these, Denny has drawn those he considers to be the top sellers, and turned those into The Secrets of Emotional, Hot-Button Copywriting: How to Employ the 7 Key copy Drivers that Make People Act.
      But this book is not just for those seeking a career in advertising. Rather, it offers a wealth of ideas for all kinds of promotion.
      Order from Direct Marketing IQ, a division of Target Marketing, which publishes Hatch's excellent Business Common Sense newsletter.
      My full review, below, begins with one of the key lessons from this book: how to steal great ideas.