Writing-World.Com's Guide to Paying Markets for Fiction and Poetry

Moira Allen has done it again. She's assembled 675 publications who pay for fiction, poetry, 
and creative non-fiction, in a 214-page PDF e-book that is easy to use. 

Markets are divided into logical sections, such as: Children, Christian, General Fiction, Flash 
Fiction, Horror, Humor, Mystery, Romance, Science Fiction, etc. Each of these sections contains
alphabetical listings, including payment, length, rights purchased, contact info, and the publication's 
website where more specific guidelines can be found.

More than a third of the listings in this guide are literary magazines, which is extremely valuable
because many of these publications don't appear in other market guides, and it's often difficult 
to know if literary magazines mentioned elsewhere actually pay contributors. 

In the introduction to this guide, Moira offers solid marketing advice based on her vast experience
in the freelance world. For that reason, this marketing guide is ideal for both beginner and 
experienced writers.

The price is certainly reasonable. The book costs just $12.95 and can be ordered through 