Cat Got Your Tongue?
a new workshop by Barbara Florio Graham
This sold-out workshop was first presented in May, 2008, to a sold-out group ranging in age from 16-83 in the City of Ottawa's Writers in the Community series.
Barbara researched several print resources, including How to Write & Sell Your Sense of Humor, by Gene Perret (the "bible" of humor-writing, first published in 1982), Writing Fillers That Sell, by Louise Bogess, and How to Write & Sell Your Personal Experiences, by Lois Duncan. She also scoured the Internet for markets and samples, and tapped the expertise of Fred Desjardins, a noted humor writer in Halifax, Nova Scotia, who developed a humor-writing course for
Now those notes are available to anyone who purchases a copy of Barbara's award-winning humor compilation, Mewsings/Musings. For $45, buyers will receive a copy of the book by mail, and a zip file containing 44 pages of notes from the presentation and many "bonus" materials.
Included in the package:
Speaking notes from the three-hour workshop (with
additional annotations, a total of 16 pages), markets for various
types of humor writing, tips on how to reach stand-up comics and TV
producers, how to hone your craft, a special handout on greeting card
markets, celebrity pets and birthdays (a total of 7 pages of
information) and
21 pages of examples, illustrating the various
devices described in the workshop notes.
To order, contact Bobbi via e-mail (BFG at, to obtain the address where you should send your cheque/check) and to give her a postal address to send the book.
Some comments on evaluation forms from the May workshop:
so much good information, all of it very useful (Dorothy Dowsley, Ottawa, Ontario)
lots of marketing possibilities (Jackie Byram, Woodlawn, Ontario)
learned new points and sharpened some old ones (Dan Smith, Ottawa, Ontario)
good ideas, gave me confidence and incentive (Yvonne Jodoin, Kanata, Ontario)
Women like you are a great source of inspiration (Kabahenda Nyakebwa, Ottawa, Ontario)