The three editors live in different cities, and
worked completely by email.
Editorial Team:
Primary Editor:
Irene Davis
Acquisitions Editor: Fred Desjardins
Managing Editor: Barbara Florio-Graham
Design Team:
Concept: Barbara
Florio-Graham and Steve Pitt
Execution: Julie and John Watson
Technical Advisor: Luigi Benetton
Cover photo by Steve Pitt
Quotation on title page by Lawrence Jackson,
1942-1998, Past President of the Professional
Writers Association of Canada (PWAC)
Writers make the world seem coherent.
They decipher babble;
they banish ambiguity and fluff;
they amuse;
they persuade;
they convince;
they entice;
they inform.
Writers make the world seem coherent.
A small independent publisher located in Hamilton (Dundas), Ontario,
Canada, midway between Toronto and the US border, Bridgeross began
publishing in 2008 to bring quality fiction, non-fiction and humor
into the market.
Among their non-fiction titles are three books on schizophrenia
which have been recommended by the World Fellowship for
Schizophrenia and Allied Disorders, the National Alliance on Mental
Illness (NAMI) in the US, the European Federation of Associations of
Families of People with Mental Illness (EUFAMI) and the Mood
Disorders Association of Canada.
Bridgeross books are distributed by Ingram and Quality Books.
Bridgeross belongs to the Independent Book
Publishers Association. |
Prose to Go: Tales from a Private List
contains 34 first-person stories from 18
contributors in 14 locations, from the NWT to PEI.
These are true stories, most previously-published
and a few award-winning. Some originated on the list.
Some of the things that make this book unusual:
18 contributors in 14 locations:
Northwest Territories
Ontario: Toronto (2), London, Kitchener,
Peterborough, Petawawa,
North Bay, Thunder Bay
Quebec: Montreal (3), Gatineau
New Brunswick
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Islants (2)
Everyone was involved from the beginning. Title and
sub-title were voted on by contributors, and all contributors were
kept apprised of how things were progressing, negotiations with the
publisher, the division of royalties, etc.
We found a royalty-paying publisher, and have not
contributed any money to the cost of producing and printing the book.
The publisher has distribution throughout Canada and the U.S. via
Ingram, and has successfully published more than a dozen books since
2008. Bridgeross is a member of the Canadian Independent Publisher's Association.
The age range of contributors is 35
years: 43 to 78. That's also the age range of Bobbi's
Private List.
Five members of Bobbi's Private List who are not
in this anthology:
Kevin Yarr: PEI - works full-time in radio
Kathleen Hamilton: Montreal - creates crossword
puzzles and perfumes
Lorna Olson: Thunder Bay - librarian
Dale Kerr: Sutton, Ontario - prof. engineer with her
own company
Fred McEvoy: Ottawa - historian
These stories were originally published by:
The Bloor West Villager
The Christian Science Monitor
The Concordia University Alumni Magazine
CURRENT: Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus
Association of Ontario
EMMY Magazine
The Guardian
The Globe and Mail
The Jewish Magazine
The Kings County Record
Laugh Your Shorts Off (published by Writers In
The London Free Press
The Ottawa Citizen
The Peterborough Examiner
Today's Seniors