Cat Got Your Tongue?

a new workshop by Barbara Florio Graham

This sold-out workshop was first presented in May, 2008, to a sold-out group ranging in age from 16-83 in the City of Ottawa's Writers in the Community series.

Barbara researched several print resources, including How to Write & Sell Your Sense of Humor, by Gene Perret (the "bible" of humor-writing, first published in 1982), Writing Fillers That Sell, by Louise Bogess, and How to Write & Sell Your Personal Experiences, by Lois Duncan. She also scoured the Internet for markets and samples, and tapped the expertise of Fred Desjardins, a noted humor writer in Halifax, Nova Scotia, who developed a humor-writing course for

Now those notes are available to anyone who purchases a copy of Barbara's award-winning humor compilation, Mewsings/Musings.  For $45, buyers will receive a copy of the book by mail, and a zip file containing 44 pages of notes from the presentation and many "bonus" materials.

Included in the package:
Speaking notes from the three-hour workshop (with additional annotations, a total of 16 pages), markets for various types of humor writing, tips on how to reach stand-up comics and TV producers, how to hone your craft, a special handout on greeting card markets, celebrity pets and birthdays (a total of 7 pages of information) and 
21 pages of examples, illustrating the various devices described in the workshop notes.

To order, contact Bobbi via e-mail (BFG at,  to obtain the address where you should send your cheque/check) and to give her a postal address to send the book.

Some comments on evaluation forms from the May workshop:

lots of marketing possibilities  (Jackie Byram, Woodlawn, Ontario)

good ideas, gave me confidence and incentive  (Yvonne Jodoin, Kanata, Ontario)